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Three Things: The Curtain Edition

2016 November 7
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This morning I’m peering out from behind some curtains. Let’s peer, and then write. (And tomorrow, make sure you go behind the election curtain and VOTE!)



Larry Sultan, Mom in Curtain, 1991, from Pictures from Home series. Photograph.



Anna Ådén, Untitled from Lily of the Valley series. Photograph.



Andrew Wyeth, Her Room, 1963. Tempera. Farnsworth Art Museum, Rockland, Maine.



Three Things: The Prairie Edition

2016 October 17
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This week, the Hazel & Wren team heads to the Prairie Gate Literary Festival! In light of that, let’s write some words around the prairie.



Andrew Wyeth, Turkey Pond, 1944. Tempera on panel. Farnsworth Art Museum, Maine.



Pawel Pierscinski, Untitled. Photograph.



Anna Ådén, Untitled from Autumn Fields series. Photograph.


Three Things: The Campfire Edition

2016 July 18
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This past weekend, the Hazel & Wren staff retreated around a campfire (and coffee) to discuss things big and small. On this Monday morning, the firelight is still dancing in my eyes. Let’s use those sparks for our weekly inspiration.



James McNeill Whistler, Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling Rocket, 1875. Oil on panel. The Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, Michigan.



Thom Chapman, Untitled, 2016. Photograph.



Andrew Wyeth, Campfire, 1982, from Helga series. Watercolor. Private collection.


Three Things: The Open Door Edition, II

2015 November 30
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This week, let’s revisit some open doors. An inviting (or perhaps ominous?) threshold of some kind is presented to your character. What next?



Hollie Chastain, Awaits. Collage on panel.



Rodney Smith, The Door. Photograph.



Andrew Wyeth, Cooling Shed, 1953. Tempera on panel. Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA.