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Three Things: The Dog Edition

2017 April 17
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This week, let’s study the dog. Here are three pooches to get your pen started!


Álvaro Sánchez-Montañés, Untitled, from Unprepared & Unsorted series. Photograph.


Jasper Oostland, Pug, 2008. Acrylic on canvas.


Anna Ådén, Untitled from Midwinter Night series. Photograph.


Three Things: The Open Door Edition, II

2015 November 30
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This week, let’s revisit some open doors. An inviting (or perhaps ominous?) threshold of some kind is presented to your character. What next?



Hollie Chastain, Awaits. Collage on panel.



Rodney Smith, The Door. Photograph.



Andrew Wyeth, Cooling Shed, 1953. Tempera on panel. Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA.


Three Things: The Sleep Edition, II

2014 December 29
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Good Monday to you, dear writers. All partied out? Let’s recover with some sleep, just in time for the next party on Wednesday night. Happy New Year!



Bo Bartlett, School of the Americas, 2010. Oil on panel.



Henri Cartier–Bresson, Barrio Chino, Barcelona, 1933. Photograph. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY.



Sally Mann, Black Eye, 1991. Photograph.


Three Things: The Cloud Edition, II

2014 December 8
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I’m in a cloud-gazing mood. This week, let’s write a cloud into our story/scene/poem/what-have-you. Need it be a boring little fluffy thing in the middle of a bright, blue sky? Well, that’s entirely up to you.



Alfred Stieglitz, Equivalent, 1930. Photograph.



Phil Toledano, The Woods. Photograph.



Roy Lichtenstein, Cloud and Sea, 1964. Porcelain enamel on steel. Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Germany.


Psst, it’s Online Open Mic week! This is your last chance to get feedback on your work-in-progress for two whole months, since we’ll be taking an Open Mic break for the month of January. You have today and tomorrow to submit your piece! Go!