This week let’s focus on family dynamics, or at least a moment in a family’s day. Will the moment you choose be mundane or fraught with emotion? Quiet or chaotic? Here are three moments in three different families to get you started.
Julie Blackmon, Stolen Kiss, from Domestic Vacations series. Photograph.
William Eggleston, Black family by the sea, published in Los Alamos, 2002. Photograph.
Larry Sultan, Close Up, 1992, from Pictures from Home series. Photograph.
Three Things: Quiet Moment Edition
After a week like last week, and looking ahead to the weeks to come, I know I (and I suspect many others) could use a few quiet moments of reflection. Let’s write about such a moment.
Larry Sultan, Mom Touching Wallpaper, 1986, from Pictures from Home series. Photograph.
Njideka Akunyili Crosby, “The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born” Might Not Hold True For Much Longer, 2013. Acrylic and transfers on paper.
Martin Brigden, Thought, 2015. Photograph. Via Flickr.
This morning I’m peering out from behind some curtains. Let’s peer, and then write. (And tomorrow, make sure you go behind the election curtain and VOTE!)
Larry Sultan, Mom in Curtain, 1991, from Pictures from Home series. Photograph.
Anna Ådén, Untitled from Lily of the Valley series. Photograph.
Andrew Wyeth, Her Room, 1963. Tempera. Farnsworth Art Museum, Rockland, Maine.