Three Things: The Canine Sidekick Edition
This week let’s imagine a character with a canine sidekick. Whether that pup is friend or nuisance, I’ll leave up to you.
Alex Colville, Stove, 1988. Silkscreen on paper. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
Christopher Wood, ‘Ship Inn’, Mousehole, 1930. Oil on board. Manchester City Galleries, Manchester, United Kingdom.
Gigi Mills, Bird Dog Places His Gift on the Table, 2015. Oil, paper, crayon, graphite on bookboard mounted on panel. Via Gallery Orange.
Three Things: The Solitude Edition, III
Let’s take some time for a moment of solitude this week, before the end-of-summer rush begins. I’ve collected three solitary figures. Care to write a character or scene around one (or all)?
Markus Åkesson, The Passage, 2012. Oil on linen.
Muge, Untitled from Moments series. Photograph.
Alex Colville, Ocean Limited, 1962. Oil on synthetic resin on board. Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
As Memorial Day weekend and the summer holidays draw near, we are finding ourselves in our cars for longer stretches of time. Why not while away the car ride with a pen and paper? (Unless you’re anything like me, and have to keep your eyes forward in order to keep your stomach in line. In that case, take mental notes for later.)
Sandy Skoglund, Pink and blue car from True Fiction Two series, 1986. Photograph.
Elliott Erwitt, California Kiss, 1955. Photograph.
Alex Colville, Dog in Car, 1999. Acrylic on hardboard. Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
(Three Things will be taking a break next week for the Memorial Day holiday. See you in June!)
A chill has returned for the moment, but let us think of warmer days ahead, yes? Sunny days – oh, alright, let’s not get too optimistic quite yet… possibly-overcast-but-still-springtime days, then – enjoyed on two wheels. Cycle on, pen friends.
Alex Colville, Cyclist and Crow, 1981. Acrylic on hardboard.
James Chororos, Untitled from iPhone series. Digital photograph using an iPhone.
Rachel Bone, Bicycle Spill #4. Gouache and ink.