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Three Things: The Boat Edition

2014 January 20
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The only boats floating in Minnesota right now are little plastic ones in bathtubs. Regardless, let’s warm our thoughts and write a few lines about (around, on) a boat. This week, here are three (non-plastic) boats for your writing pleasure.



Alex Colville, Embarkation, 1994. Acrylic polymer emulsion on hardboard. Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Fredericton NB, Canada.



Lori Nix, Red Sky from Some Other Place series, 2001. Photograph.



Mary Cassatt, The Boating Party, 1893-1894. Oil on canvas. National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.


Psst: Have you submitted your piece yet for the Worth Your Salt contest? Hurry up!
You only have until January 31st!


Three Things: The Swimming Edition, II

2013 September 9
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Three Things

Labor Day has come and gone, and school is in session… and yet, the weather still begs for an afternoon at the pool/beach/lake. Let’s say farewell to the official summer season with one last hurrah in our bathing suits. Where will your character go?



Alex Colville, Couple on Beach, 1957. Tempera on masonite. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.



Eric Zener, Anonymous Time Traveler, 2011. Oil on canvas.



Alyssa Monks, The Race, 2007. Oil on linen.


Psst: This week is the September Online Open Mic! Submit your work-in-progress prose or poetry piece today and tomorrow, and get feedback from your fellow writers on Wednesday! 


Three Things: The Sea Edition

2013 June 17
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Three Things

This week, I’m in a nautical mood. Let’s make our way to the coast and write a little something, shall we? For those of us stuck behind our writing desks, here are three images to prompt the salty, sea-worthy senses.



Lori Nix, At Sea, 2004, from Lost series. Photograph. 



Alfred Stieglitz, Gossip–Katwyk, 1894. Photograph. Published in Camera Work, 1905.



Alex Colville, To Prince Edward Island, 1965. Acrylic emulsion on masonite. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.


Three Things: The Lake Edition

2013 May 13
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Three Things

Here in Minnesota, we have a lot of lakes. I know, I know, who would have guessed? It’s true, though. And in the summer, Minnesotans go… to the lake (a lake, any lake). We spend all fall, winter, and early spring fantasizing about the day it will be warm enough to go to the lake without piling on a million layers of clothing.

As that day draws near, let’s write those fantasies down, shall we?



Harry Callahan, Lake Michigan, 1953. Photograph. Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago, IL.



Alex Colville, Dog and Priest, 1978. Acrylic polymer emulsion on hardboard. National Gallery of Canada.



Daniel Gebhart de Koekkoek, from The World We Live In series.