This week, I’m dreaming about trees. As in: trees are taking over my dreams. So let’s write about those trees, and while we’re at it, let’s give ’em a surreal twist.
Zhijie Sui, Untitled, from Odes of Wei. Photograph.
Bastienne Schmidt, Untitled, from Home Series. Photograph.
Alex Stoddard, Vascular system, 2010. Photograph.
Spring is finally, slowly, arriving. Which means we Minnesotans are beginning to finally, slowly, go outside. After months of being cooped up in our warm caves, we’re finally able to stretch our legs and venture out beyond the open door.
This week, let’s write about those open doors: your character is standing before the threshold, deciding when to cross it. Does he or she take those steps?
Edward Hopper, Rooms by the Sea, 1951. Oil on canvas. Private collection.
Zhijie Sui, Untitled from the Odes of Chen series. Photograph.
Still from The Tree of Life film. Directed by Terrence Malick, 2011. Fox Searchlight Pictures.