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Three Things: A Moment of Quietude, Edition II

2015 April 13
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Post-AWP greetings, dear writers. As we all recover from the exhilaration/madness/euphoria that is AWP, let’s take a moment of stillness. And then write a few words.



Edward Hopper, Office in a Small City, 1953. Oil on canvas. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York.



Laura den Hertog, Flying High. Oil on canvas.



Bastienne Schmidt, Untitled, from Home Stills. Photograph.


Three Things: The Night Glow Edition

2015 March 23
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This week, I’m studying the night for inspiration. Or, rather, light in the night. Mysterious, romantic, spooky: what glows in the night tells a story, yes?



Todd Hido, #1952, from Interiors series, 1996. Photograph.



Brassaï, Le Pont-Neuf dans le brouillard, ca. 1934-35. Photograph.



Bastienne Schmidt, Untitled, from Home Series. Photograph.



Three Things: The Tree Edition

2015 March 9
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This week, I’m dreaming about trees. As in: trees are taking over my dreams. So let’s write about those trees, and while we’re at it, let’s give ’em a surreal twist.



Zhijie Sui, Untitled, from Odes of Wei. Photograph.



Bastienne Schmidt, Untitled, from Home Series. Photograph.



Alex Stoddard, Vascular system, 2010. Photograph.


Three Things: Crossed Wires Edition

2015 January 5
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This week’s prompt is inspired by the first image below, by Bastienne Schmidt. We’ve all crossed some wires in our day, I’m sure, whether it’s the kind of crossed wires that causes confusion, or the kind where you perform an admirable feat. This week, let’s throw some wires in our character’s lives and then cross them.



Bastienne Schmidt, Untitled, from Home Stills. Photograph.



Izis Bidermanas, Tightrope Walker, Lagny, 1959. Photograph. 



“Early 20th-century telephone switchboard in British-Mandate Palestine.” Photograph. American Colony Photo Department. Via Shorpy.