Three Things: The Surreal Family Edition
Today I’m in a surreal mood. Let’s narrow that down a smidge, though, and focus our attention on surreal families this week. Have some real-life family strange-ness from which to draw? Even better!
Sammy Slabbinck, Seafood, 2013. Collage on paper.
Pablo Picasso, Family of Saltimbanques, 1905. Oil on canvas. National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Slinkachu, Wonderland, 2009.
I think we can all agree on one thing: Honey, I Shrunk the Kids is a seminal work. Right? No? Well, fine then. It was a pretty mind-bending trip for me when I first saw it as a kid, anyway. Really any story that involved tiny people living amongst normal-sized people did it for me. This week, we’re studying people with a magnifying glass. Because that’s the only way we can see them. And then we’re writing about it. Go!
Vincent Bousserez, from Plastic Life, 2011. Via flickr.
Slinkachu, Close Shave, 2009.
Christopher Boffoli, Cone Camping, from Big Appetites.