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Three Things: On the Water Edition

2016 May 9
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This week, let’s go out on the lake, and listen to the water lap the sides of the boat, the drips fall from the oars.



Danielle Richard, Repère. Acrylic on canvas.



Peter Doig, Swamped, 1990. Oil on canvas. 




Benjamin Hole, Untitled, 2014. Photograph. 


Psst: It’s Online Open Mic this week! Submit your work-in-progress prose or poetry piece, and get feedback from your fellow writers on Wednesday!


Three Things: One Morning Edition, II

2015 May 4
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A few years back, we stepped into a character’s morning for inspiration, and this week we’ll do the same. This time, we’re joining our character at the tail end of his dream-state, and following him out into the world. What’s going through his head this morning?



Jeremy Geddes, Cluster from Immaterial series, 2011. Oil on board.



Maximilien Luce, Morning, Interior, 1890. Oil on canvas. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York.



Peter Doig, Lapeyrouse Wall, 2004. Oil on canvas. Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York.


Three Things: The Winter Walk Edition

2014 February 24
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Hey, guess what? It’s winter! I know, I know, you’d never have guessed if I hadn’t said anything. But, anyway, it is, and this week I’m writing about taking a walk in winter. Care to join me?



Peter Doig, Reflection (What does your soul look like), 1996. Oil on canvas. The Artist and Victoria Miro Gallery, London, UK.



Pentti Sammallahti, Solovki, White Sea, Russia, 1992. Photograph. The Photographer’s Gallery



Ahren Hertel, Red Jacket, 2014. Oil on panel.