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Three Things: The Sewing Machine Edition

2014 February 10
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This week I’m thinking about sewing machines. In fact there is one, right this moment, staring at me from just behind my left shoulder as I write this. (The joys of multi-purpose rooms: sewing room and office. And did I mention bedroom?) Lest it acquire midnight superpowers due to woeful neglect, let’s just keep the peace and write an ode to my sewing machine. Or one of the three below. Your choice.



Eugenio Recuenco, Untitled (Tailor), circa 2009. Photograph.



Jacob Lawrence, The Seamstress, 1946. Gouache on paper. 



Edward Hopper, Girl at a Sewing Machine, 1921. Oil on canvas. Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, Spain.



Huzzah! It’s Open Mic this week! Submit your work-in-progress today and tomorrow, and get feedback from your fellow writers on Wednesday!


Three Things: Eavesdropping Edition

2011 August 8

I have been overhearing some of the strangest conversations during the past few days, thanks to working from coffee shops while I wait for the internet to be hooked up at the new apartment. Not that I’m complaining: I find people watching (and listening) highly enjoyable. Inadvertent eavesdropping often yields some of the best fodder for stories (but judging by how long it is taking me to write these few sentences, does not always make for the most productive use of my time).

This week we have three settings perfect for accidental eavesdropping: a café, a barbershop, and a subway platform. My advice? Take those earbuds out every once in a while. You never know what you might hear.


Édouard Manet, A Café, Place du Theatre Francais, 1877-78. Pastel on canvas. Burrell Collection, Glasgow, Scotland.


Jacob Lawrence, The Barber Shop, 1946. Gouache on paper.


Robert Doisneau, Le Muguet du Métro, 1954. Photograph.


P.S. We’re now accepting submissions for the next Open Mic! Submit your stuff today and tomorrow, and it’ll go live for workshopping on Wednesday.