Um. Somehow I’ve managed to compile 188 Three Things writing prompts without a single ode to coffee. What a disgrace. This week, I attempt to appease the coffee gods with writing prompt #189: The Coffee Edition.
George Woodward, Lloyd’s Coffee House, 1798. Cartoon. Calke Abbey, The Harpur Crewe Collection.
John Falter. Illustration for Sanka ad campaign. Published February 9, 1960 in Life magazine.
Mark Webster, Coffee Cup, 2010. Oil on canvas.
As I write this, I sit amidst a sea of boxes, some taped and labeled, others not yet half full. On Monday, while you read this, said boxes (and a million other things) will be carried into their new home. Moving days are a little bit sad, exciting, dreadful, hopeful, exhausting, exhilarating: moving out of one home and into a new one is perhaps one of the most tangible ways to experience a beginning and an end in one’s life.
Being, as I am, entrenched in move-mode (as is Wren, who also moves today), it seemed appropriate to find three moving days for this week’s Three Things. I found a cooperative effort (by Grandma Moses), a day of insanity (from what used to be the madness of May 1 in New York City), and a lovely mystery to end (by photographer Jessica Bruah).
Grandma Moses (Ann Mary Robertson Moses), Moving Day on the Farm, 1951. Oil on pressed wood. Private collection.
“May-Day in the City,” Harper’s Weekly, April 30, 1859. Cartoon.
Jessica Bruah, Untitled #6 from “Stories,” 2003. Photograph.