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Three Things: The Apocalypse Edition

2012 July 23

This week’s writing prompt takes inspiration from stories with an apocalyptic twist, including Karen Thompson Walker’s The Age of Miracles. In her debut novel, the earth’s rotation has begun to slow, stretching our normal 24-hour day and night cycle to 25 hours, then 48 hours, then a weeks’ time, and so on. This wreaks havoc on all aspects of the ecosystem, and humans must learn to adapt in order to survive.

Let’s write our own apocalyptic piece, shall we? Here are three little scenes to get you started.


Jerry Uelsmann, Apocalypse II, 1967. Gelatin silver print. 


Alex Lukas, Untitled, 2010. Ink, acrylic and silk screen on 2 book pages.


Daniela Edburg, Party Girl, 2007. Digital print. 


P.S. Curious to know more about The Age of Miracles? If you live in Minneapolis/St. Paul, you’re in luck! Karen Thompson Walker will be reading from her novel this Thursday at Magers & Quinn. See you there!



2 Responses
  1. August 17, 2012

    That first image is mesmerizing and slightly terrifying. I can definitely see this inspiring me to write but I’ll have to put in hold so that I can finish Camp NaNo this month. 🙂

    • Hazel permalink
      August 23, 2012

      Best of luck with Camp NaNo! 🙂

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