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Three Things: Fox Edition

2012 April 30

Foxes are a playful lot, and if folk tales are to be believed, crafty, too. I’ve already posted an edition featuring my all-time favorite animal; this week is dedicated to its smaller, slyer cousin. Let’s write a foxy piece, shall we?


mina_milk, jump, 2011. Watercolor. Via flickr.


Utagawa Hiroshige, New Year’s Eve Foxfires at the Changing Tree Oji, No. 118, 1857, from One Hundred Famous Views of Edo. Woodblock print. 


Hollie Chastain, Punched Tin Dreaming. Mixed media collage.


And, yes, this is what happens when fox meets wolf. (Apologies for the poor quality. Apparently Fox — as in 20th Century Fox, not Mr. Fox — is a stickler for posting clips online. Crafty bastards.)


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