Like all children, I tried a number of “when I grow up” plans on for size over the years. Unlike some children, my obsessions lasted longer than a few weeks or months — I was the kind of kid that devoted (and I mean devoted) a couple of years to each before I gradually grew into another. I’ve already covered my wilderness survival obsession; for the two years immediately following, my new obsession was the wolf.
My life’s goal was to become a wolf expert: specifically, I wanted to grow up to be L. David Mech. I had posters of wolves plastered on my bedroom walls, read anything I could find on wolves, took notes on their body language, pack behavior. Holiday and birthday gifts for me were a cinch: it was a 100% guarantee that I would adore anything that had a wolf on it. I could tell you slightly more embarrassing things, but I won’t (because they’re embarrassing).
By age 13, I had mostly moved on, but even today when a kid asks me what my favorite animal is (you’d be surprised how often I get asked that), my answer is still a no-brainer. Dear, dear wolf, this one’s for you.
Matazo Kayama, Winter, 1957. The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo.
Lis Timpone, Wolf and Snake, 2011.
Frederic Remington, Moonlight, Wolf, ca. 1909. Oil on canvas. Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy, Andover, MA.