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Three Things: At the Diner Edition

2011 September 12
by Hazel

The neon signs, the all-night hours, the bottomless cups of coffee, the pie (oh, the pie!): what’s not to love about a classic American diner? I once wrote a story which largely took place in just such a diner, about a wickedly dry-humored elderly woman named Ellis. I never quite finished it, but every few years I revisit Ellis and her diner and tweak a scene or dust off the dialogue. Someday, perhaps, I’ll finish the story, but in the meantime, Ellis waits (not so patiently), drinking cup after cup of mediocre coffee.

For this week’s Three Things, I searched Flickr high and low for interesting diner patrons. Let’s write a diner scene, shall we?


P.S. Speaking of writing revisions, you’re going to submit your work-in-progress to this month’s Open Mic, right? Submissions are being accepted today and tomorrow only, and go live for feedback on Wednesday!


Adam Bronkhorst, American Diner, 2009. Via flickr.


Brad Kayal, South St. Diner, 2008. Via flickr.


dakota.morrison, 263/365, 2009. Via flickr.


And here’s a bonus for you dear Twin Cities natives:

QuoinMonkey, Neon Sun Rises Over Mickey’s Diner, 2009. Via flickr.


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